Monday, August 01, 2005

Mini Vacation in the Mountains!

"Jul 20 - 31...We took a mini vacation last week to Beaver Creek Park in the Bear Paw Mountains, which is about 80 miles from Dixie's parents. It is south of Havre and is the largest county park in the US. Dixie's parents, brother and sister-in-law, and family friends all took their campers as well. We had a regular caravan! We enjoyed 5 days of sitting around the campfire, hiking, fishing and just plain relaxing. The weather has been in the 90's and even hit a 100 a couple of days. The temperature while camping in the mountains was about 10 degrees cooler than everywhere else so it was a good place to be. The hot weather is quickly ripening the grain crops so it looks like the harvest will start soon. Mike's job tomorrow will be cleaning out and prepping grain bins- a dirty job but somebody has to do it. Dixie continues to pack Mom & Dads house items. The photo's this week are from our camping trip. The sunset was while we were fishing on the lake (Mike did finally catch one small brook trout while fishing in the creek). I intended on getting a picture of Mike with his big catch but we ate him before I got to it). The others are of the creek and the mountains while hiking. Next weeks blog pictures will hopefully come from the wheat field!