Saturday, March 21, 2009

Mike at "Showdown". We watched the skiers come down this run. It was pretty windy and cool so Mom didn't think much of the idea of going outside for a photo - so I had to settle for 'Mike'.
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March came in like a lamb!

Mar 1 – 21 ... Our March weather has been pretty nice with just a few days of cold temps. Today (21st) it is 65 degrees and we are heading out for a bike ride. On the 15th we took Mom and Dad and drove out to Showdown, a nearby ski mountain. We enjoyed watching the down hill skiers.
Mom’s doctor decided that she should go out to Seattle to see another doctor for a consultation. We leave tomorrow for an appointment on the 24th at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. The cancer clinic here is affiliated with them. We are hoping for a new treatment plan and a little more info on her type of cancer. Dixie has been working for Fran doing the medical billing while Doug and her are on vacation. It gives her something to do with her time. Mike goes to the gym and messes around at the motorhome to occupy his time! We did have a scare with Mom – she had some fluid removed from her abdomen area one day and that evening she had went into insulin shock. Her blood sugar took a dive (for the first time ever – normally it is very high). We ended up called the paramedics and they gave her a glucose IV which brought her back around! We know now what symptoms to look for.
Also this month we attended a few more basketball games. This weekend we took in some of the Charlie Russell Western Art show. That brought people from several states to our city. Tomorrow we will drive to Moses Lake, WA and then arrive in Seattle on Monday. We plan to be there until Thu. where we will visit some friends and family in addition to the doctor appointment!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

More February in Montana!

Feb 9 – 28 .... We’ve kept busy the remainder of Feb. We attended a few basketball games (Levi’s and Jades). Dixie joined “Curves” and Mike continues to go to his gym. Dixie has been working for Fran and will fill in for her while Doug and her go on vacation. They plan to be gone from the end of Feb for 3-4 weeks. Dixie continues to go with Mom to her cancer doctor appointments weekly. She had a CT scan on the 20th which showed that the tumor has not gotten any smaller. That was very disappointing news. The doctor feels that the chemo has not really been helping so he is referring her to a cancer center in Seattle that they are affiliated with. We are waiting to hear when that appointment will be. Brother Doug had to have surgery this month to remove a kidney stone, then had a blockage in the stent (it was not a fun time for him!). The weather has been back and forth – most days have been pretty nice 30’s-50’s with a few snow days thrown in. We are ending Feb with snow and some cold days. We are just about ready for spring!!!!!