Sunday, August 18, 2013

 A print at Dr. Williams office..."Chief of the Medical Staff"
 Buffalo from the range near Ronan
Deer in Aunt Shirley's yard...tame or what?

July 2013

July...Boy is it nice to be done packing and moving! On the 2nd we drove out to the farm with Dad & Elaine. We stopped at the courthouse in Chinook and licensed the Tracker. We had a wonderful 3rd and 4th picnicking at Doug & Fran’s and other neighbors. We checked out Doug & Fran’s house/garage addition. It’s coming right along. The evening of the 4th we sat up in what will be the master bedroom and watched fireworks in all directions. The big show was God’s fireworks of lightening. Around 11pm it started to hail and pour rain. Unfortunately there was damage to some of the crops.

We went back to Great Falls on the 5th. On the 6th we helped Elaine’s sister and brother-in-law (Lynn & Ken) move into their new home in Great Falls.

Dad had his post op and pre op appointment with the Dr. Williams, the surgeon on the 10th. We spent the rest of that week prepping for our garage sale which we held on Sat. the 13th. We got rid of quite a bit of stuff and the rest went to Goodwill!!! We took our small proceeds and went to dinner at Mary’s Tavern near Vaughn.

Unfortunately the next day was spent helping Elaine move her stuff out of Dad’s condo and later out of the motorhome and boat. They are splitting and she will be going back to Lake Havasu.

On Monday the 15th I drove Dad to Chinook to meet with Doug, Fran and the lawyer. Dad is selling some of his land to Doug & Fran. After that stop we visited a bit with Aunt Pearl and Helen Stevens at the Villa.

Dad had his right carotid artery surgery done on the 17th. Denita came up that day and Doug & Fran came up the next day. He ended up having to stay an extra night in the hospital, getting out on the 19th.

We left for another FMCA RV rally on the 18th. This time it was held in Ronan. We had a great time and while there we visited with Russ and Cheryl at their home in Polson. On Sunday we left and headed for an overnight at Aunt Shirley’s. We had a great visit with her and headed for home on Monday. We were about 20miles out of Great Falls when we met a couple of large gravel guessed it – 2 rock chips in the motorhome windshield and some on the front cap (it sounded like a hail storm). Of course it was the side that we just had replaced a year or so ago.

The 2nd half of the month kept Dixie pretty busy taking Dad to therapy 3 times a week. We also attend a couple of Voyager games. Dad and Lexi came on the 20th and spent most of the week at the farm. They left on 27th after 2 attempts of getting on a flight. Dad, Mike and I went to the Horse Races that afternoon at the State Fair. Later we went to the night show that Elaine gave us tickets for. The act was Kip Moore and it was a more rock than country so we left a bit early. We took Dad to the Rodeo on Wed. the 31st. Another busy month gone!