Monday, August 22, 2005

Harvest in Full Swing!

Aug 17 - 22...The Wheat Harvest is in full swing! It's been hot and dry for the most part and the days have been long. Mike is still averaging 13-14 hr days and has work 8 days straight this go round. It did rain a bit one day last week so they started in the afternoon the next day. The pictures this week are "Mike at work". The one is "dinner (supper in this part of the country) in the field". We take the food to the field and they take about 30 minutes to eat and then back to work until dark or later. The other photos are of Mike unloading his grain truck. Dixie & her parents went to Great Falls on Friday to pick up her brother & niece from California and returned on Saturday. On Sunday we had family pictures taken in the Wheat field and around the tractors - it's hard to get all 13 of us smiling at the same time - it was a challenge for the photographer to get the photo's taken when the sun was just right! That's all for this week.