Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The snow we woke up to our first day in the condo.
A view of our new kitchen ...
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We are finally in our new Condo!

Oct 21 – Well, it’s been awhile since we’ve reported on our “goings and comings” but I assure you, we’ve been busy. We felt the pains of the mortgage crisis but still managed to close on Oct 9th. With the help of family, we finally got moved in to our condo the weekend of October 10. We were lucky to get all of the heavy things moved on that day, Friday, because we woke up Saturday to white stuff falling from the sky. Dixie’s response was “welcome to Montana”. Over the next two days we received about 4 inches of heavy wet snow. Temps returned to normal on Monday and it was gone by that afternoon. We’re really enjoying having “roots” again and our condo is just perfect for us. Dixie’s mom and dad live about 10 minutes from us as does her brother and sister-in-law when they are in town and not at their home “at the farm” in Hogeland. Our original intent was to get moved in and then head for Arizona with the motorhome on or about November 1st. However, now the plan is to stay in Great Falls until after Christmas. We had to winterize the motorhome when that snow storm came through plus the fact we’re really enjoying our new home. The contractors are busily installing the sprinkler system for our building (which has 6 units) and hopefully next will come the sod. A little grass will improve our appearance a whole lot. We had concrete put down on our back patio which was also just completed...the patio furniture and grill will wait until spring! We will put more pictures on as things get completed.