Monday, December 17, 2012

Our stay in Yuma, AZ

Dec 4th – Dec 17th....The 160 miles drive to Yuma was uneventful. We stayed at Yuma Lakes (our first time in this park) and Doug & Fran went to Araby Acres.

On Wed. Dad and Elaine drove down from Lake Havasu and stayed at John & Angie Hebblemen's until Sun. We all gathered at their house for a wonderful ham dinner that evening.

Thursday Dad, Elaine, Doug and Fran went to Alcadones, Mexico with us. Doug had broke a tooth that morning so he headed to the dentist. Dad and Mike got glasses and then Mike decided to go to the dentist and get his bridge. We had lunch and wandered around. Doug got his boots shined (they were scuffed pretty bad from the bike accident). The wait time getting back through the border was short! That evening we all went to Daybreakers for dinner to celebrate Dad's birthday. Friday Doug, Fran and us went back to Alcoadones so Doug & Mike could finish up their dental work. Fran & I had a manicure. We stopped at a little outdoor cafe and listened to 'Pepe' play and sing some great music. He played non stop for over an hour! The trip today thru customs was quick – no wait time!!! We went back to Doug & Frans for dinner.

Saturday Dixie worked on some jewelry for Christmas gifts! In the afternoon Dad & Elaine and Doug & Fran came over. Doug bought a motorcycle through Ebay and he will go to Austin, TX to pick it up. We did some travel planning for him. That evening we went back to John & Angie's for Ham & Beans – today was Dad's real birthday so we celebrated again.

Sunday Doug & Fran came over for home cooked chinese food!

Doug flew to Austin on Monday morning to pick up his new bike and will start his drive back to Yuma. I went to John's to cut his hair and highlight/cut Angie's. Then I headed over to Fran's to cut her hair.

Tuesday we made the 22 mile move to Pilot Knob RV park. We got our Christmas packages ready for mailing. Dixie made some more jewelry – this time for Denita to give for presents!

Wednesday I mailed packages and went to Fran's in the morning to work. We shopped in the afternoon – hit the Goodwill! Doug arrived with his bike around 630p.

Thursday we spent a good portion of the day cleaning and rearranging & washing. That evening we met Doug & Fran in old downtown for a drink and then went to Los Manjares DePepe for a mexican dinner. We have frequented this small restaurant in the past & new they had great food!. It was pooring rain by the time we left – we had a lake in front of the motorhome.

Friday we were to have our carpets cleaned at 8am....well they ended up not arriving until after 11am. They finished by 1230 and the carpets looked much better. We headed into Yuma and made a few stops and then went to Doug & Frans for another wonderful dinner.

Saturday Dixie worked on more jewelry christmas gifts. Doug & Fran moved their RV to storage at some friends house and they came over to do some laundry.

Sunday D & F flew back to Montana to spend Christmas and catch up on 'things'. We had a great lunch a Cracker Barrel and then visited some friends from our FMCA group (Dennis, Carol, Bill & Lois). They have a wonderful lot where they park their motorhome for the winter.

Monday was a lazy day....Dixie did a haircut and read her book while Mike cleaned on the outside of the motorhome. Tomorrow we leave for Desert Hot Springs~