Friday, March 21, 2008

Better late than never!

Mar 17 – Mar 20, Mon-Thur ...We have been spending time with Doug & Fran and Dixie has been helping Fran with the medical billing. On Wednesday, we took a trip to the border town of Los Algodones, Mexico with Doug and Fran. Dixie bought some new glasses which we picked on Thu. We also purchased some prescription drugs for family members. We had lunch at a small restaurant that served fish and shrimp tacos. They were very good and we always have them when we visit Algodones. Mike went to one of the many dentists on Thur and had his teeth cleaned. The down side to going is the long lines to clear U. S. Customs upon re-entering. Wed. was almost 1 hour of a wait. On Thur. we made it through in half that time.

Mar 10 – Mar 16, Mon-Sun ... The Dr. gave Dixie some exercises to do to try and help with the movement or her wrist and elbow. We had a change of plans and decided to stay in Indio until Fri. Danny stayed with us for the week while he apartment hunted. On Thur we went on a great 3 plus mike hike in Thousand Palms Canyon. Later that evening Dixe attended an Autism Society meeting with Danny. We finally made it to the Yuma area on Fri. Our park is actually in California, about 8 miles from Yuma. The wind and dirt blew the first 3 days so we stayed close to home. Dixie did more medical billing work. On Sat. we spent the morning at the big Flea Market where we picked up some gifts. Doug & Fran returned on Sunday from their motorcycle Baja trip. We had dinner with the group and saw many of their photos .