Sunday, July 02, 2006

Down East Maine!

Jun 28 - Jul 2…We are currently at Timberland Acres in Trenton, ME. We are about 14 miles from Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. The first day we went to the park it was very foggy. We hiked the Gorham Mt Trail & the Cliff Rocks. It was a nice challenging hike/climb but we didn’t see much - we could hear the ocean but couldn’t see it. It rained most of the day on Friday but we did manage to drive up Highway 1 a ways . We saw the Tidal Falls (the tide changes directions with high & low tide) & stopped for a lobster lunch at a small outdoor place. Saturday the weather was beautiful so we took the bus to Bass Harbor (southern tip of the park), where we hiked the Ship Harbor trail and sat on the large rocks/boulders watching the waves crash in and lobster boats putting out their traps. We then walked to the Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse & then to the town of Bass Harbor . All in all we walked over 4 miles before we took the bus back to Bar Harbor and walked the Shore Path for another mile! The legs were a little sore but the scenery was worth it! The whole coast in this area is just beautiful. Today it rained in the morning but cleared up this afternoon. We drove to Bucksport, ME where we toured Fort Knox, a fort built in 1853 to guard the narrow channel through which enemy ships would travel. It was used some during the Civil War and the Spanish-American War. The view from the fort across the river to Bucksport was very picturesque! We plan to go on a Whale Watching cruise tomorrow and see & hike more of the park. We still need to make it to Cadillac Mountain and Schoodic Point.