Saturday, May 07, 2005

More of Oregon Coast

May 5-7....We are now parked outside Newport, OR and are only about 15o yds from the Ocean. We can hear the waves crashes at night! We took a walk on the beach and found a large (8in) purple starfish - first time for that. We don't have starfish on the TX coast - at least not that we've seen. The coastline in OR. is different than any we've seems more rugged and untouched. We took in 2 more Lighthouses - now seeing 6 of the 9 on the OR. coast. It's very interesting to see how they operated and better understand how they were used in the past. Many are still used so we were able to see them in operation. Newport also has a historic bay front and beach front that we explored - no shortage of gift shops and resturants! Tomorrow we move on to our last stop in OR. - Seaside!