Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 1-15 2015....Our house is surrounded by a variety of Lilac bushes and they are in full bloom. We are gradually getting things operational. We attended church in Turner on the Sunday and Shay's softball game on Wed. Also on Wed. Doug and Fran were over and Doug & Mike got the water softener running and tried out the icemaker which was when we found all the leaks and cracks!
On the 6th Dixie went with Fran to Great Falls where they did some house shopping and packed more of Doug & Fran's house, readying it to be leased out July 1. Doug and Mike brought the trailer up on Sat. the 7ths and we loaded up a lot of furniture. Sunday we packed and then met Kyle and Cheryl at Mary's for dinner & drinks. On the 9ths we headed back home. Mike & I drove Fran's Thunderbird. Once arriving in Hogeland the unloading began – between rain storms!
10th – Angie and John Hebblemen came to Hogeland. Dixie cut their hair and colored Angie's. We enjoyed dinner at Doug & Fran's. 
12th – Dixie went to Hogeland to help the ladies paint the church foundation for the big 100th anniversary party coming up late in the month. Painted the corner cabinet later in the afternoon. The cabinet was Mom/Dad's and is around 45 years old. It's been in storage for several years – it looks new again.
13th – Doug came over and fixed our last known water leak in the bathroom in the basement. He also replaced the solenoid part in the Frig. Just waiting for the filter now but we do have ice.
14th – Drove to Harlem for groceries and then went to Hogeland and went with Doug/Fran to Howard's to clear out more stuff.
15th – Happy Father's Day! We went to church and then to Adam/Shawna Billmayers for a barb-b-cue. Dad decided at the last minute that he didn't want to go so we just saw him for a short while.