Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's Winter in Montana!!!!

Here's 2 weeks worth of blogs!!!!

Dec 8 - Dec 13 – Happy Birthday to Dad on the 8th. We had a wonderful dinner at Doug and Fran’s to celebrate. Mom had her first chemo treatment and is feeling pretty good so far. We trimmed our fresh cut tree on Tue. Dixie worked at Fran’s on Wed. On Fri. we took a drive with Doug and Fran to Helena to do some shopping. Along the way we drove some back roads that had beautiful mountain scenery. We went to a ghost town called Marysville on the way to the Great Divide ski run. Once in Helena we had a nice lunch and walked through the old downtown area and drove by the State Capital and the old Governors Mansion. Since we are expecting -31 degrees below zero on Sunday we decided to move the motorhome to an RV site where we could hook up to electricity. We got that taken care of Fri evening before the snow began during the night. SAT - It’s snowing in Montana! We woke up to 2 ft snow drifts at our door. It continued to snow and blow all day! We ventured out in the afternoon as Denita and family are in town, coming especially to see “Sesame Street Live”. Four year old Shay was very excited & thought Elmo was pretty neat! Sun we woke up to ‘no water’...the pipes were frozen. After several calls the builder and the plumber arrived – the empty condo units next to use caused the problem. The heat tapes had not be put on the pipes in the empty condos. By early afternoon we had running water once again! We spent most of the day at Fran and Doug’s where the girls made cookies and such. After all that we had a wonderful dinner there. Stay tuned to the next blog to find out how ‘cold’ it really gets tonight. The forecast is for below zero every night this next week – also more snow!