Friday, October 13, 2006

Brunswick & the Golden Isles of GA

Oct 12 - 14 …Thursday we did a self-guided driving tour of Brunswick and the Golden Isles - which included Jekyll Island, St. Simons Island, and Sea Island. First stop was Jekyll Island, an island that was purchased in 1886 by prominent east coast millionaires who built a clubhouse and elaborate cottages. In 1910 the first draft of the Federal Reserve Act was drawn up at the 'clubhouse'. In 1915 the first transcontinental telephone call was made from this island. We saw several of the ‘cottages’ and a replica of the first telephone. The next island stop was St. Simons which is the largest of the Golden Isles. We went to the National Park areas of Fort Frederica built in 1736. We also visit the Frederica Christ Church where in 1736 John and Charles Wesley (founder of Methodist church) held services under the oak trees. The church was built on the site in 1883. The lighthouse on the island was restored in 1872 and is still a working lighthouse. We were only able to get to the entrance to Sea Island as there is a gate there that allows only residents and guests on the island - it’s for the elite…..several Presidents have vacationed on this island. Our last stop was in Brunswick which was founded in 1771. It is known for shrimp and crabmeat processing plants. We also saw “Lovers Oak” tree which is thought to date from the 12th century (900yrs old). It’s a big ole oak tree! We had another great day of siteseeing - we have never seen so many massive ‘live oak’ trees in any area as we have in Georgia! Friday was a day of catch up and rest - making reservations for upcoming months - what fun!!!! Today we are driving about 140 miles to our next stop of St. Augustine, FL….more history a comin’…..