Friday, September 15, 2006

The Hills of West Virginia

Sept 12 - 15... On the 13th we headed down the road into West Virigina. We are parked at an Army Corp of Engineer park on Burnsville Lake at Bulltown. We have a site right on the Lake! This area is very mountainous and thick forest. On our walk the first evening we saw several deer. They seem to be quite used to people as they tend to stand there and just observe, that is until you get too close. We ventured into Flatwoods and Sutton, two small towns in the area. Writing this blog from the Library as we have no internet service so no photos today. Our cell phone service is hit or miss - mostly miss! Today we road our bikes to the park entrance and hiked through the Bulltown Civil War site. We will be at this park until Monday then plan to stop for 2 nights in Fancy Gap, VA.