Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The end of Massachusetts!

Jun 19 - 21.…On Monday we took the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard. The island is covered with trees! We went on a bus tour of the Island that covered all the main towns. The guide was a local so it was very informative. He provided lots of details about the island, - including it’s celebrities of the past and present - and there are many! The homes are all off small dirt roads so you would never know that a ‘famous’ person lived there. We saw the area where John F Kennedy Jr’s plane went down, where the movie JAWS was filmed, and the Aquinnah Cliffs (formally known as Gays Head before it was remaned by the Indians). The cliffs were a beautiful site with Gays Head Lighthouse off to the side (see photo). Tuesday we took another long bike ride and then went to the Nauset Light beach where we watched the tide come in & saw 4 lighthouses. It is truly amazing how far the tide goes out in this area. On one beach at noon we saw a boat anchored on a sandbar with the actual water another 500 yds or more beyond it. When we went back at 800p the boat was about a 100 yards from the shore!

Today we are on the road to Lebanon, Maine which is on the border of Maine and New Hampshire. Friday we fly to Houston to attend our nephews wedding!