Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Headin' to the Panhandle of Texas

Mar 27 - Apr 4.…We moved to an RV park about 15 miles east of Albuquerque in Tijeras. We were in the mountains on this side totally opposite from the west side of ABQ. On Friday we flew to Houston for Mike’s 40 something class reunion!!!! We stopped in a couple of the Presidents Clubs to say hi and then met up with some of friends for lunch. We drove to Pearland where we stayed with Mike’s brother & wife. While there we were able to visit with 2 of our nephews as well. We had a great time at the reunion - it covered 4 classes (59-62) so there was quite a crowd. Of course we spent most of our time with the group of 4 guys & 2 of the wives that Mike hung around with in school! On Sunday we had a difficult time getting on a flight back to Albuquerque as they were all very full. After trying a few flights we decided that they were just too full, both on Sunday and Monday to stand any chance of getting on standby. We decided to fly to El Paso, rent a car and drive the 270 miles to Albuquerque….we made it back to the motor home about 10pm that night! This (renting cars to get to our destination) is becoming a regular thing - makes us happy to stay in our motor home and DRIVE!!! Speaking of driving, we are doing that again today we are headed to Canyon, TX which is just south of Amarillo. We will stay there for a week and plan to hike in the Palo Duro Canyon state park.