Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 2013

September...Tyler and Dad drove to Great Falls on the 2nd as they both had doctor appointments on the 3rd. I went with both of them with lunch in between at the El Commodore. They left around 3 and Mike and I headed to our Dentist appointments. It was a busy doctoring day!
On the 6th we headed out for our last RV rally for the summer. This trip was the 120 miles to Lewistown. We took in the Chokecherry Festival on Sat. (the largest street fairs we've seen in Montana) and the Bale Trail 'What the Hay' event on Sunday. It was a fun weekend!
I stayed busy making up jewelry pieces to put in the Beauty Salon in Turner.
On Friday the 13th we drove Dad's Motorhome out to the farm. I took the jewelry to Denise's shop and set up a sales display. On Saturday we attended the Missoula Children's Theater presentation of 'Blackbeard the Pirate' in Turner. Shay had a great role as 'Peach Fuzz'. Sunday Denita, Fran and I went through the storage room in the shop and got ride of a bunch of stuff! We went back home on Monday, with another stop at the courthouse in Chinook...this time to license the motorhome. Dad came back to Great Falls with us.
Monday the 16th Brenda Maloney and Shawna Billmayer overnighted with us on their way to Milwaukee. On Tues. evening Doug/Fran & Steve/Denita overnighted on their way to Yakima, WA to buy a semi truck. We went to the Stein House with them for a late dinner. They left at 630a on Wed. but had car problems just out of Simms. We took our car and met them at Vaughn where we switched cars. We took Doug's car to the shop. The got back to Great Falls late Thurs. evening and left again on Friday. I made more jewelry this week ~ this time for the Sugarbeet Festival in Chinook on the 28th. Fran is going and offered to try and sell some of my jewelry.
Friday, Dad, Mike & I had brunch at Perkins and then went to a 'Mature Driving Class' in the afternoon. It was pretty interesting and it gives us a little discount on insurance.
We also attended the farmers market on Wed. and Sat.
Sunday the 22nd was church and spending time getting organized for our move back to the motorhome which will take place mid-Oct.
Monday was a trip to the eye doctor with Dad and then for groceries and gas.
Dad drove to the farm on Tue. (his first one on his own ~ not sure that it was a good idea but we didn't have much say in the matter). Mike had his annual doctor visit and I gave blood. I also made a trip over to Dad's so the repair man could replace a blind cord.
We spent the rest of the week sorting through items going to the motorhome and/or storage or give away! We made a few trips to the MH and storage...glad it is in the same facility.
Thur. we ended up taking our computer to CTR Computers to install additional ram memory ~ we ended up leaving it with him so he could wipe out everything and take it back to it's original purchase state. There was Malware that was slowing it down a lot! Denita/Steve/Shay overnighted with us Thursday evening.
On Fri. we loaded up our spare bed, desk, chair and stools for them to take to Levi. He has an apartment in Missoula that needed furnishing....between all the family he is furnished! We picked up the computer Fri. evening and oh how much better it runs. We do have to reinstall the software that was on it but it is better than trying to remove all the junk! All total it cost $185 but that was much better than what Staples wanted!
Sat. was more running around. Denita/Steve/Shay came back through on their way home. Fran sold 4 pieces of my jewelry to the Sugarbeet Festival in Chinook ~ that's 6 so far! We went to the Stein House of dinner.
Sunday & Monday was spent getting more stuff ready for the move to the motorhome. The list is whittling down. Next Sat. we are schedule to go to NC for a week.