Jul 18 -- Staying at Adirondack Adventure Resorts, about 10 miles north of Saratoga Springs. Drove north to Glens Falls, Lake George & Bolton Landing. Very pretty area! Scoped out some hiking trails.
Jul 19 -- Drove to Saratoga Springs & checked out the area. A friend of ours that’s working a contract job in this area come over for dinner.
Jul 20 -- Drove to Lake Placid, home of the 1932 & 1980 Winter Olympics (about 90 miles from here). We were very impressed with this area. This area is still very busy with Olympic training! We went on a tour of the Olympic Center (was just the 2 of us & the guide, who was a brakeman for a bobsled team in the 1976 Olympics). The tour was full of info - saw several of the ice rinks and even saw some of the short track Olympic skaters practicing. Also saw the rink where in 1980 the USA Hockey team beat the Russians (Miracle on Ice). Our guide showed us a video of the last 2 minutes of the game & gave us a play by play account. We also went to the Olympic Museum which was full of items - specifically interesting were the torches from the different Olympics, the medals from Lake Placid, & a current $100,000 Bobsled. We saw the 2 ski jumps that are used for training in the summer. It has tiles & some type of rubber/plastic on it that gives the same effect as snow. The skiers land in a 750,000 gallon pool. Drove to Whiteface Mountain & hiked the last ¼ mile to the summit ( 4,867 ft). What a view from the top! Ended the day at a Bar-B-Q place called “Tail of the Pup” (recommended by some people we met in NH). All the tables are outside under a large, large tent! The food was excellent (that’s saying something since we are used to good bar-b-que in Texas). They even had a band playing! Lake Placid is an area we would like to come back to someday!
Jul 21 -- Had a first today……we went to a Polo Match in Saratoga Springs! If was a bit hot & humid outside but we did enjoy it. It’s pretty amazing how they can hit a small ball with a small mallet, all while riding a horse (sometimes at a very fast speed). There are 6 ‘chukkers’ in a match & at the end of each the spectators are asked to go out onto the field & stomp the divits! The ground was kinda wet so the horses really tore up the grass!
Jul 22 -- Rained all day….Hung around the motor home. Went into Saratoga Springs to our friends hotel suite where he fixed us dinner!
Jul 23 -- Church in Saratoga Springs & lunched out with our friend Bob from TX.